Monday 15 October 2012

We had to pitch our idea today to matt who is going to help us improve our thriller openings and give us feedback on our ideas so far. The feedback I got was- In most films they have an act 1, act 2 and an act 3. For shutter island act 1 is the two characters on the boat. Act 2 is finding the missing person and act 3 is when everything gets revealed. This is the structure that I need for my film. The main thing matt said was not to give to much away but you need enough to know your characters a little. An example of a good thriller opening was "Way of the Gun". The film starts with two men in a queue. A women starts to scream at them because they set a car alarm off. The two men swear at her and tell her to be quiet. Everyone in the queue goes up to the two men and look at them fiercely. One of the men punches the girl in the face and this starts a fight. From this we can tell these two love trouble and they probably think of themselves as bad boys.

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