Monday 18 November 2013

First shoot day evaluation....

We packed up the car with the camera, suitcase, photos' and flowers and off we drove to Bramley with the cast and crew. When we got there we walked about 5 minutes towards our first location
(the first bridge).

When we got to the bridge we got the camera out and set up our first shot. We placed Fen under the bridge next to the wall for our still lip sync shot. We filmed a close up, long shot and then a medium shot. We then did the same shots but on the other side of the wall but we for one of the shots we tried Fen looking away from the camera which was nice because it didn't make it as intense.

There was a tiny pool of water with a plank over it which we filmed as Fen crossed it. This was nice because it showed the audience how she got to the wall. We then did a still of Fen walking down the pathway towards the bridge. We filmed her walking looking straight into the camera then without her looking past the camera(again for variety). We also tried her walking without singing the filmed her walking away from the bridge for the final shot as she walks into the future.

At the begging the sun was out so we got one shot of her lip syncing with the light on her face which was the best shot because it made really atmospheric. Sadly after this the light died down but at least it didn't rain.
We decided to shoot Fen in her hat for the walking and the standing still section which was worked well because it was a contrast to our other actress who did not have a hat. The hat also looked really nice on fen and brought out the blue in her eyes.

Overall the Fen section went really well. It turns out the best shots of Fen where when she was not looking into the camera so it would have been nice to had got more shots of that but the shots we did get will work really well. If the sun had stayed shining then that would have also been perfect but when we come to editing then I am sure we can up the contrast or brightness of the over the shots to make them look the same.

We then got back into the car and drove to our next destination which was the second bridge. Our actress Darcy was wearing a red dress with flowers on which I had chosen. It fitted in really well with the theme of flowers and the red stood out really nicely making it look great on camera. We put all the photo's and flowers in the suitcase whilst she was carrying it to make it heavy for her to show that she has a lot of memories. We filmed her a couple of times walking towards the bridge but had to stop a few times due to cars driving down the track getting in our way.
Once the cars went by we carried on. We then filmed her from the front walking towards the bridge to show different angles. It was very cold outside so in-between shots we had to cover her up with warm coats so otherwise she would look cold on camera and feel uncomfortable

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